SAVEE turns 7

SAVEE turns 7
This is us, co-founders of SAVEE

7 years ago, we started Savee as a side project. Today, we're over 1.2M users strong across 190 countries. Here's our journey:

We built Savee to solve our own problem as designers - a place for curated inspiration. Bootstrapped from day 1, we have always only had our users as our end goal.

Our strategy? Focus on creatives, like you, make your life easier, and solve a real problem.

No growth hacks - just a good product. Word of mouth did the rest. Organic growth beats paid acquisition any day.

Challenges? Plenty. But quitting was never an option. Persistence paid off.
7 years, 1.2M users, 190 countries, 100% bootstrapped. The lesson? Start small, think big, keep building.

And we just launched our marketplace a few months ago with high-quality After Effects and Figma templates!

What's next for Savee?

Related Saves: Like something? Find more like it. Simple.

Site Builder: Your work, your domain. Coming soon.

Clear Upgrades: We've cut the fluff. Premium benefits at a glance. Take a look

More in the Marketplace: Fresh motion and Figma templates. Weekly.

Savee course: we are working on something special that has been on our minds for a while. More soon.

We're just getting started. Thanks for being part of this.

Proof that with the right idea and execution, you can build something amazing. Here's to the next 7 years!

Andre & Ramon